Category Archives: General

A new show for GGR, a treat for you…

Hey Everyone,

Going to be launching a new show under the GGR banner called “The Daily on GGR”, it’s a unique short show that will be a M-F daily download for the GGR site.  For a special treat, I’m posting it here FIRST on my blog for you to listen!  Please give us your feedback here!  Thanks!

Explicit Content and Language warning.  Listeners are advised.

The Daily on GGR

With Katherine Nunes and Chase Nunes

Click Here to Listen!

Show Notes for Episode #1

In this episode we talk about the following:

Superhero Porn

Cerebral Palsy Sexual Assault

C3PO Backpack

Germany Now Requires Passwords on Wireless

Seattle Beer Week seattle beer week

Sex Toys Stolen in Michigan

Site Relaunch

Hey Everyone,

For those of you have have came to my site over the past 9 years, there has been many changes along the way.  Some positive and some negative.   I have always tried to make a simple web home to have as a hub for my life.  So, that being said, I thought it was time for a refresh and relaunched today April 3rd, 2010.

One of the changes is that utilizing all the web services that are out there for photos, videos, and audio, I have decided not to personally host those things and instead link them out.  So you will see now on the right side of the page are icons (links) to all my videos, pictures and audio that I do for friends and family.

Secondly, I hope to start more video blogging and reviews for both my podcast ‘Geek Gamer Radio’ and for my own website.  It will be impromptu reviews of items, thoughts on politics and life events.

Third, I tried to keep it clean and simple.   🙂

Thanks for stopping by again and enjoy your stay and brief visit into my life.

– Chase

A voice over for the holidays…:)

Christmas 2009

I did this for my buddy Paul…he has an awesome Christmas display in Burlington, WA – to see a video Click Here.

I also did a voice-over for Paul’s display, that also plays audio via FM to the drivers watching the display.

What do you think? 🙂 Grenier Family Christmas

To listen to more great audio of tech, gaming and geeking out, visit Geek Gamer Radio!

Merry Christmas everyone!