Pinball Tournaments

Hey Friends,

Questions here and statements.. ….

I have thought about going to PAPA but I don’t think I will go for a few reasons, unless I’m completely wrong and off base… 🙂

1. I’m just not ready? — I mean, I can’t find a clear answer on the PAPA website, but I heard that unless you play in the premier, A Division, you wont earn any ranking points? Is that true…and if so, that leads to question #2…

2. Why pay repeated entries into a tournament you have no chance to win it? And get like 4 World Ranking Points? — Right now there are some INCREDIBLE players out there, and while I love to see where I stack up, I know right now in my playing, I pretty much have no chance “at this point” to make a run. While it was fun trying to compete (like at the NW Show), I did not have a “great time”….it felt very discouraging to see my name slip more and more in the standings…..and then my competitiveness kicks in and then I donate more money to the cause…only to feel bad when it makes no difference….BUT IF I DON’T put the money in….I won’t get ranking points…. Which leads me to #3…

3. I LIKE ONE PRICE ENTRY TOURNAMENTS 🙂 — While YES…you have the pros in the tournament you all have an equal shot and are NOT BOUND by the limit of your pocketbook. While I would love to see a sub-division to separate the Major Leagues from the AAA, I enjoyed this style (like the Super Multibrawl).

I know I might be in the minority on this but playing in the “per entry tournaments” are beginning to rub me and I don’t know why. What sucks is that unless I play in those style of tournaments, I’ll never earn enough points to make a difference…and thus the cycle is hard to break! Arrgh! 🙂

Thanks for reading and I love the VRPA and SPL! 🙂

– Chase