
Hey Everyone,
First off, I would like to say a lot of you have been a great help to me and helping me even more information about the wonderful world of podcasting, so now I’m really wanting to ask for help here…. I’m real close to calling it and hanging it up and stop podcasting….and here is why.. I started podcasting over 5 years ago talking about tech and gaming with my friends…we ‘like clock work’ put out a show everyweek…I edit, produce, make it nice and put out a show that I feel is good quality….I have promoted, cross promoted, Twitterered, Facebooked, MySpaced, everything you can think of, etc, and we can’t break through.

We average about 50 downloads a show and I feel the most of those downloads are bots, with the other portion coming from friends. We really get no listeners. We added video and really no change there either. I’ve come to the rough conclusion is that unless your famous or you got started in the very beginning then your screwed. I’m not writing to whine, but maybe I’m wasting my time….I started to do this to find a outlet to create media….but whats the point if no one is listening.

Maybe I just suck? 🙂 Seriously, I don’t know because we get no constructive feedback and our listener count never changes. Maybe I need to change my subject matter…who knows… In any event, I really value my friends and feed back.

Thanks everyone,

My podcast: http://www.geekgamerradio.com