Tag Archives: Blog

New Years Resolutions

So here we are at the year of 2011, an odd numbered year.  I honestly wonder how odd this year will actually be for me.  I mean, I haven’t written anything meaningful in my blog for like ages and I wonder if it would be good for me to start again.  You know…one of those “New Years Resolutions”.  Making promises to yourself, so when you miss them and fail at them it makes you feel like crap.  Makes you feel like you failed….then you wait for the next year to just do it again.

This time I decided to at least obtain a few of them, so if I miss some of them, I wont feel as bad.  I’ll put a couple in there that are easy…:)

  • Write.
  • Take my vitamins everyday.
  • Lose weight.
  • Be a better husband.
  • Get ranked in the Top 500 in the USA in pinball.
  • Finish the ceiling in one room of the house.
  • Play a video game straight through.

I think that’s enough for now.  I know there are loads of other ones out there, but in the mean time, this should work.   One last thing to add.  Am I allowed to blog about my feelings about work?  Probably not, don’t want to get fired.

Thanks for reading and see you all soon,

